Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Lesson in Creative Assessing

In light of the property tax fiasco, with the township and county assessors pointing their collective fingers at the DLGF and vice versa, here's a little study in how not to assess. These are 4 houses in Center Township, all located within the same neighborhood. Which one was accurately assessed? What does this say about the quality of the assessment done by the Center Township Assessor's office?

Exhibit 1: 1215 Polk St - Assessed Value $258,000

Exhibit 2: 1210 Polk St - Assessed Value $52,400

Exhibit 3: 730 Dorman St - Assessed Value $47,800

Exhibit 4: 711 Dorman St - Assessed Value $ 197,300

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It says the assessment system needs to go along with unfair unequal property taxes. I know someone who paid a friend assessor to reassess his property. The result was used to appeal his property taxes. Now the properties are way lower than others of similar homes.